Ecosystem decline in Victoria
The Parliamentary Inquiry into Ecosystem Decline in Victoria gave organisations and individuals the chance to voice their concerns and recommendations to help address this problem. RSPCA Victoria’s submission focused on the welfare of both native and introduced species. You can read our full submission here.
At a public hearing at Parliament House in March, RSPCA Victoria presented its key
concerns including:
- the need for Victoria to end duck shooting to protect the welfare and sustainability of our native waterbirds;
- the need to promote wetland ecotourism to positively engage Victorians with our precious native waterbirds and wildlife;
- the need for further research into humane solutions for pest species management; and
- a coordinated approach to the management of domestic and feral cats in Victoria.
The Inquiry held several days of hearings from December 2020 to March 2021, which included presentations from environmental groups, wildlife groups, hunting bodies, climate and environmental researchers, as well as several government agencies. We look forward to seeing the Committee’s final report in September 2021 and their recommendations to stop ecosystem decline and the impact this has on animal welfare.
Victoria’s animal-friendly budget
A total of $19.1 million is allocated in the Victorian Budget 2020-2021 to support pets and animal welfare over the next four years, in addition to funding for wildlife, biodiversity and agriculture. The funds are earmarked for a range of measures including grants for organisations undertaking pet re-homing activities and those providing free or low-cost de-sexing of cats and dogs for vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorians.
Funding pets and animal welfare is compassionate as well as smart. Not only do these programs directly help animals by reducing neglect, but they also support people at a time when such support has never been needed more.
In 2019/20, 10,600 Victorians benefited from adopting companion animals from RSPCA Victoria alone. For some, their animal was their only companion during the pandemic. Longitudinal research has found a correlation between human physical health and pet ownership. Pet ownership has been linked to everything from reduced headaches and sleep disturbances to fewer annual doctor visits, lower rates of smoking and lower body mass index scores.
Pet ownership also has a strong association with improved mental health and social connectedness – vitally important as we navigate a pandemic. For example, teenagers who own pets have a more positive outlook on life and report less loneliness, restlessness, despair and boredom. Research has also shown that pet owners report less depression and appear to cope with grief, stress and loss better than non-pet owners. Moreover, there is a strong body of literature supporting the importance of animals to vulnerable members of society such as people experiencing homelessness, the elderly and people with a disability.
The funding will also support horse rehabilitation programs and provide funding to rehoming organisations for equipment upgrades and service expansions. Animal welfare compliance and enforcement will be supported by funding for Victoria’s Pet Exchange Register, the work of the RSPCA Victoria Inspectorate and Animal Welfare Victoria. A new taskforce will be set up to look at best practice models for Victoria’s pet foster care, as well as opportunities to rehome animals utilised in medical research.
Increased funding for pets and animal welfare is great news for all Victorians. When we take care of animals and promote the human-animal bond, the evidence shows that everybody wins.
Victoria poised for new animal welfare legislation
Victoria’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTAA) has served our state well, but over the last three decades much progress has been made in animal welfare. Scientific understanding and evidence of what represents good welfare has expanded, and community attitudes have also changed. It’s time to update Victoria’s animal welfare legislation to reflect the latest knowledge and attitudes.
The Victorian Government consultation period finished on 14 December 2020. To aid consultation, the Directions Paper identified twelve potential areas for improvement compared to current POCTAA legislation under the broad themes of:
- Safeguarding animal welfare by recognising animal sentience, introducing a requirement for people to provide minimum standards of care to animals, better defining cruelty offences and providing a framework to regulate painful husbandry practices.
- A simplified and flexible legislative framework to increase consistency and clarity when applying the law, adopt national welfare guidelines and ensure laws are applicable across state jurisdictions, recognise the role of non-government bodies in animal welfare regulation and consider animal welfare science in legislative responses.
- A better compliance and enforcement model to give law enforcement agencies greater powers to monitor animal cruelty offenders, streamline legislation in relating to permit based activities using animals and set out clear alternatives to manage seized animals.
All these proposals have clear implications for RSPCA Victoria, particularly our Inspectorate. We are pleased to see many of our suggestions taken on board to contemporise animal welfare legislation and broaden the definition of what constitutes ‘cruelty’.
Last week we submitted our recommendations, recommending key areas that should be addressed for effective animal welfare legislation:
1. Clear recognition of animals as sentient beings and protection for all animals that have been demonstrated to be sentient;
2. Promotion of animal welfare through the imposition of ’duty of care’, including promotion of positive experiences;
3. Escalating offence categories supported by sentencing guidelines;
4. Removal of broad exemptions currently allowed under POCTAA
5. Introduction of a comprehensive set of regulations supported by best practice guidelines;
6. A model for enforcement that allows for more tools for Inspectors to intervene earlier, including use of infringement notices, enforceable undertakings, banning orders as a mandatory part of cruelty sentencing and emergency entry powers for Inspectors;
7. Better management of seized animals to allow them to be adopted, sold or euthanased (as required) rather than being held for the duration of a court case;
8. Formalisation of Victoria’s Animal Welfare Advisory Committee as well as including guidance in the Act on how science and expert opinion should be used to inform decisions and develop regulations
RSPCA Victoria is looking forward to continuing to collaborate with Animal Welfare Victoria and the Agriculture Minister to ensure that we have robust contemporary animal welfare legislation in Victoria. We are excited to see the draft Bill during the next consultation in 2021.
Welfare issues in racing – deaths, injuries and the issue of whips
The RSPCA believes there are inherent animal welfare issues in horseracing. Whenever there is an adverse outcome for an animal, our expectation is that the industry will do a comprehensive review to identify ways to improve, in an effort to avoid unnecessary injury or trauma in the future.
Whips need to go
RSPCA Victoria welcomed the increased penalties for whip rule breaches handed down at this year’s Melbourne Cup. However, we maintain that more needs to be done to phase out the use of whips entirely.
A state-wide survey conducted in July – August 2020 showed that seven in 10 (69%) Victorians feel horses should not be hit with a whip in the normal course of a race, illustrating that most Victorians do not believe the use of whips in horseracing is necessary or reflective of community sentiment.
The research was conducted with a representative sample of the Victorian community by data insights and consulting firm, Kantar. Key findings include:
- 69% of Victorians feel horses should not be hit with a whip in the normal course of a race;
- 61% of punters and racing attendees feel that horses should not be hit with a whip;
- 71% of Victorians who attend or bet on horse races would be undeterred if whips were banned and would continue to participate in horse racing events and activities;
- The majority feel that whipping horses causes pain, is inhumane and is unnecessary.
Additionally, another study released late last year showed that whipping horses does not make them run faster, effectively debunking traditional arguments that the whip is needed for performance enhancement and to maintain racing integrity. Therefore, hands-and-heels races could be added to race programs in Australia right now, with no change to race outcomes.
We recently welcomed Racing Victoria’s call to reduce the use of the whip and believe whip reform is a necessary and positive change. The whip can no longer be defended as a tool for performance enhancement and we encourage the Australian racing industry to follow other countries around the world and introduce hands-and-heels racing.
2021 Duck hunting season considerations
RSPCA Australia is opposed to the recreational hunting of any animal for sport due to the inherent and unnecessary injury, pain, suffering, distress or death to the animals involved.
Data from the Eastern Australian Waterbird Survey has shown long-term declines in both duck numbers and breeding behaviours, meaning that in addition to having a significant welfare impact, duck shooting cannot be undertaken sustainably. In our presentation to the GMA we outlined four key arguments for cancelling the 2021 season:
- Duck hunting is inherently cruel and inflicts pain and distress, with an estimated wounding rate of 26% and new data showing a lack of hunter knowledge around humanely dispatching injured ducks further exacerbating the suffering;
- Current climatic conditions and a hot year predicted ahead, coupled with predicted rainfall being unlikely to be sufficient to relieve long-term rainfall deficits, will not support the duck population into the future;
- Game bird abundance is declining year on year with breeding species richness being the sixth lowest on record;
- Duck hunting is not in line with community values and sentiments of good animal welfare.
You can read our written submission to the GMA here.
The meeting was also attended by representatives of several other stakeholder organisations including BirdLife Australia, Animals Australia, Field & Game and Sporting Shooters Association, who were also given the opportunity to present their recommendations for the 2021 season. This annual consultation process helps inform the GMA’s recommendation about a duck hunting season to the Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Environment, who then can authorise a season and any relevant conditions.
We are hopeful that the clear and compelling scientific data will encourage the cancellation of the 2021 season. Until the Victorian Government makes its decision, we will work with our contacts and key stakeholders to advocate for the cancellation of a 2021 season and an end to duck shooting in Victoria.
Reuniting lost pets with their owners
In the lead up to the 2018 state election, RSPCA Victoria advocated for major parties to commit to amending the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (the Act). Our aim was to make it easier for animal shelters and vet clinics to directly reunite registered lost animals with their owners, instead of having to transfer the animal to the local council. We hoped to improve animal welfare by reducing the amount of time animals are away from their owners and the requirement to transfer them between multiple sites, which can be very stressful for them.
At the time we secured bipartisan support to amend section 84D of the Act to allow veterinarians and animal shelters to reunite registered and microchipped animals with their owners without the requirement for a section 84Y agreement with their local council. The Victorian Government is now taking steps to implement this change, recently inviting public submissions for its “Reuniting lost pets review”.
In our submission we recommended enabling vet clinics and animal shelters to reunite lost registered pets without the need for an 84Y agreement with local councils. We outlined many potential benefits, including reducing periods of separation, avoiding additional transferring of the animal, reducing the load on pounds and potentially lowering rates of euthanasia. This will have a positive welfare impact for animals found wandering, while also providing further benefits of pet registration and lower operational costs for local councils.
Improving the Act
In our submission to the “Reuniting lost pets review” we made several recommendations for amending the Act to improve animal welfare including:
- Amending section 84D of the Act to allow vet clinics and animal shelters to return animals directly to their owners without needing an 84Y agreement
- Amending the Act to require vets and animal shelters to report to local councils regarding lost/reunited pets (reporting requirements should be reasonable and not onerous)
- Providing clarity in the Act about whether microchips or registration are the primary identification tool for lost pets, particularly for when an animal’s details may differ
- Amending the Act to require cat owners to contain cats to their property at all times. This would include a comprehensive and integrated support and compliance scheme to provide education and assistance to cat owners when transitioning their cats indoors.
Why cat containment?
The Act does not currently require cats to be confined to an owner’s property (as is required for dogs). Allowing cats to roam can lead to several welfare problems including greater risk of injury, disease and misadventure/accident, and if a cat is not desexed, a greater likelihood of unwanted kittens. This is in addition to the welfare risks cats pose to wildlife.
Amending the Act to require cats to be contained on their owner’s property would have many welfare benefits. Not only would widespread cat containment reduce the risks listed above, but it could also change community perceptions about wandering cats and prompt people to be more concerned or intervene if they see cats wandering in their neighbourhood.
We did, however, emphasise that any legislative change to require cat containment must include a comprehensive and integrated support and compliance scheme, which provides education and support for cat owners about ways to transition cats indoors and provide them with enrichment to ensure their welfare is not compromised.
Want to keep your cat safe and enriched at home? RSPCA Victoria and Zoos Victoria created Safe Cat, Safe Wildlife to show you how. Join our growing community of cat owners whose cats are living happy, enriched lives indoors – find out how by vising the website:
What is socially conscious sheltering?
The world of animal sheltering is complex and sometimes controversial, with different and emotional views about what is “best practice”. RSPCA Victoria is one of a growing number of organisations joining the socially conscious sheltering movement, and we believe it represents the current best practice approach to animal sheltering.
As a socially conscious shelter, RSPCA Victoria believes we have a responsibility to create the best outcomes for animals in our care and the community. We treat animals respectfully, we are ethical and transparent, we accept every animal into our care, and we rehome every healthy and safe animal.
There are eight fundamental tenets of socially conscious sheltering – we list them below, and how RSPCA Victoria addresses each one:
Ensure every unwanted or homeless animal has a safe place to go for shelter and care.
RSPCA Victoria accepts any animal offered into its care.
Make every healthy and safe animal available for adoption.
RSPCA Victoria only offers for adoption animals that are healthy and safe and will not offer for adoption any animal that is irremediably suffering or dangerous to the community.
Assess the medical and behavioural needs of homeless animals and ensure those needs are thoughtfully addressed.
RSPCA Victoria, through its medical team and its animal behaviour team, provides a holistic approach to ensuring each animal’s needs are met.
Align policy with the needs of the community.
RSPCA Victoria recognises its responsibility to the public and ensures its programs and policies reflect and support this obligation.
Alleviate suffering and making appropriate euthanasia decisions.
RSPCA Victoria accepts that sometimes animals are irremediably suffering and cannot live without experiencing severe, unremitting pain or other serious health and behavioural challenges. In these situations, it is most humane to relieve an animal’s suffering with compassionate euthanasia.
Consider the health and wellness of animals for each community when transferring animals.
RSPCA Victoria transfers animals within its own shelter network and to other animal welfare shelters or rescue groups in areas of Victoria that are experiencing a shortage of shelter animals. RSPCA Victoria ensures that animals transported through these programs do not suffer from physical or behavioural problems that could endanger animals or people in their new communities.
Enhance the human-animal bond through thoughtful placements and post-adoption support.
RSPCA Victoria works with potential adopters to make sure animals they select are suitable matches for their lifestyles, the adopter can properly care for and handle the animal and considers other relevant factors to make certain the placement is successful. RSPCA Victoria provides post-adoption support to adopters to ensure the placement thrives.
Foster a culture of transparency, ethical decision-making, mutual respect, continual learning and collaboration.
RSPCA Victoria is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and transparency in meeting its goal. We work respectfully with stakeholders including other animal welfare shelters and rescue groups, we are guided by clear, evidence-based policies that prioritise animal welfare, we adhere to relevant codes and legislation and we publish statistics and information about our shelter operations and the animals in our care every year.
RSPCA Victoria seeks to continuously improve its operations while increasing community understanding of best practice animal sheltering.
To find out more about the socially conscious sheltering movement visit
Discover ducks!
Discover ducks! is a new campaign that will bring our native waterbirds to the public’s attention and highlight their uniqueness and beauty. RSPCA Victoria commissioned research by independent agency Colmar Brunton to determine Victorians’ attitudes towards ducks. This research found that just over 60% of Victorians have positive attitudes towards ducks and believe that their welfare is important. However, 37% of respondents were neutral towards ducks and 27% believe that duck welfare is neither important nor unimportant.
We think more Victorians would love ducks and care about their welfare if they knew more about them. Discover ducks! aims to motivate Victorians to learn about our native waterbirds, then explore their local parks or regional wetlands to enjoy the sight of ducks in nature. This will hopefully inspire Victorians to protect our native ducks and the wetlands where they live.
Discover ducks! aims to build a community of native duck lovers who are motivated to visit wetlands and build ecotourism in regional areas. In our own research, 37% of Victorians told us that they were likely to visit wetlands to find native ducks. With tourism to regional Victoria more important than ever following the summer bushfires and the impacts of COVID-19, we’d like to see a more Victorians visit regional wetlands to ’discover ducks’ once Victoria’s restrictions are lifted.
Ecosystem decline in Victoria
While species extinction, wildlife conservation and animal welfare are often framed as, and responded to as, separate issues, they all involve caring for and ensuring the wellbeing of animals as individuals and as species. The UK Farm Animal Welfare Council’s five freedoms of animal welfare – freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom for pain injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviours and freedom from fear and distress – are all compromised if the habitats of animals continue to decline.
In August, RSPCA Victoria made a submission to the Victorian Government’s Inquiry into ecosystem decline in Victoria. In our view, ecosystem decline in Victoria is having a considerable impact on the welfare of animals, both native and introduced. In the submission we outlined several concerns for the welfare of animals due to ecosystem decline, including habitat loss, destruction, encroachment, hunting activities and the impact of feral species. In particular, we spoke about:
- Wetlands and native waterbirds, citing evidence of the impact of prolonged dry conditions and the impact of the annual duck shooting season on the welfare of native waterbirds
- Kangaroos, and the impact of urban growth on their welfare along with concerns about Victoria’s Kangaroo Harvest Program
- Native wildlife in the Victorian alpine regions, and the impact of introduced species on the welfare of native animals and their habitats.
- The importance of proactively managing wild animal populations, including feral horses, deer and cats, to help prevent ecosystem decline while doing so in the most humane way possible.
For each of the issues above, RSPCA Victoria is engaged in ongoing dialogue and advocacy to try to improve animal welfare outcomes and prevent further ecosystem decline. This includes:
- Advocating to the Victorian Government for an end to duck shooting in Victoria
- Making recommendations to the Victorian Government to ensure any kangaroo harvesting is strictly regulated and only permitted when evidence shows it is humane, justified and effective
- Advising Parks Victoria on the proactive, humane management of introduced species within national parks to prevent further ecosystem decline
- Advocating for the proactive management of wild animal populations to prevent suffering and help preserve sustainable ecosystems.
Controlling feral horses helps all creatures
Recent lengthy court cases and heated debate have delayed Parks Victoria’s plan to cull feral horses in the Alpine National Park. It’s an emotive issue for many – whether to allow feral horses to roam free in national parks, or employ the most humane method available to manage the population and protect the native species and habitats they are currently threatening.
Why are feral horses a problem?
Feral horses – known colloquially as brumbies – live in Victoria’s Alpine National Park and Barmah National Park. Feral horses, along with feral deer, goats and pigs, are not a natural part of the Australian ecosystem and can cause severe damage to alpine and sub-alpine environments, including the destruction of habitat critical to many native wildlife and plant species. This damage negatively impacts the welfare of native animals and their environments – the Mountain Pygmy Possum, Northern Corroboree Frog, Smoky Mouse and Broad-Toothed Rat are just some of the native species currently subjected to welfare impacts due to feral horses destroying their habitat, leaving them vulnerable to predation and impacting their food availability.
A comprehensive aerial survey across the Australian Alps in late 2019 found a significant increase in feral horse numbers, with estimates of those in Victoria rising from around 2,300 to 5,000 over the five years since the previous survey. Compounding this is the damage from the 2019-20 bushfires, which caused major losses of high country native wildlife, native plants and habitats. For this reason, Parks Victoria wants to act now to reduce the impacts introduced animals are having on native ecosystems within the Alpine National Park
Proactive, humane management
It is because of our passion for all sentient creatures that RSPCA Victoria believes it is necessary to manage populations of wild animals when they impact the welfare of other species. This is a very tough ethical equation – allow feral horses to drive native species to extinction while impacting their welfare by disrupting the ecosystem, or employ the most humane method available to manage the population to a less damaging level to support the welfare of all species, including horses, in that environment.
In our view, introduced species that negatively impact the welfare of native animals and their environments should be proactively managed in the most humane, effective and target-specific way available. To ensure the welfare of all animals, this should only be done under appropriate government-supervised management programs.
Importantly, all introduced species should be treated equally and no single species should be exempted from humane control, as has been the case with feral horses up until now.
The mountain pygmy possum, northern corroboree frog, smoky mouse and broad-toothed rat are just some of the native species whose habitats are being destroyed or threatened by feral horses, leaving them vulnerable to predation and impacting their food supply.
The broad-toothed rat – which has lived in the Alps for thousands of years – is now listed as a vulnerable species. There are currently only 2,000 mountain pygmy possums left in the wild. In contrast, feral horses are not native, endangered or at risk of extinction. They also suffer from poor welfare when they compete for resources due to their large population numbers. Because of these animal welfare impacts, RSPCA Victoria recognises the difficult but sometimes necessary case for controlling numbers of a particular species – in this case, feral horses.
Why can’t they rehome all the horses?
RSPCA Victoria supports rehoming of feral horses and passive trapping where there is demand for horses from appropriate horse rescue groups or homes that have the expertise and ability to provide for their long-term care. The evidence suggests that there are simply not enough places like these.
Media coverage in 2019 clearly illustrated the market for horses in Victoria is currently saturated, with hundreds of unwanted horses being sent to abattoirs and knackeries. This is further illustrated as Parks Victoria has only received three expressions of interest to rehome feral horses.
Therefore, we can’t see how rehoming could be the principal control method for feral horses, rather, it should be utilised in conjunction with other control methods, such as humane shooting according to best practice standards and exclosure fencing. We encourage anyone with experience in homing horses and an interest in rehoming feral horses to contact Parks Victoria.
Roo for improvement: kangaroo harvesting in Victoria
Kangaroo harvesting for commercial purposes needs to be very carefully regulated. The RSPCA believes harvesting should only be permitted as part of a wild animal management program supported by clear evidence that kangaroos are having an adverse impact on the environment, agriculture, tourism or transport. Currently, that is not the case in Victoria.
In our view the current Victorian Kangaroo Harvest Management Plan doesn’t adequately protect animal welfare. RSPCA Victoria would like to see more rigorous requirements along with greater monitoring and compliance enforcement. We shared these views with the Government during a recent consultation process on commercial kangaroo harvesting.
How does kangaroo harvesting work?
Kangaroos are harvested for pet food and other commercial uses and there is a market for exporting kangaroo products overseas. In 2019 the Victorian Government introduced a kangaroo harvesting program following a trial that ran over several years. The Victorian Kangaroo Harvest Management Plan 2020 (“the Plan”) permits accredited shooters to harvest a quota (set by Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – DELWP) of kangaroos and sell them to the domestic pet food industry. Shooters are required to shoot with high accuracy and aim for the head to prevent suffering.
In addition, the Australian Government recently consulted on the Draft developmental wildlife trade operation for the sustainable harvest and commercial export of Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroo products in Victoria. This would see Victorian kangaroos harvested as per the guidelines in the Plan for overseas export in addition to the domestic pet food market.
Why are we concerned?
In most States or Territories, quotas are set for the commercial harvesting of kangaroos which no longer relate population reduction directly to damage mitigation. Kangaroo management plans treat kangaroos as a sustainable resource available for commercial use, rather than making a decision for control as a result of examining of their impact on the environment. Given the effects of drought and climate change, there is debate about the effect of the sustainable use approach on future populations of commercially exploited species.
We believe that the issue of whether kangaroos and wallabies should continue to be killed under a sustainable use policy should be reviewed by both federal and state governments. Continuing research is needed to determine the impact of current culling practices on kangaroo populations and their environment.
Additionally, we are concerned that the Victorian Plan is not sufficient to protect the welfare of animals harvested for either domestic or export purposes.
Adaptive management and research to improve welfare
To improve animal welfare, we are encouraging the Victorian Government to facilitate adaptive management and research.
There are several areas where further research is required to improve welfare outcomes for kangaroos under the Plan including:
- Developing more effective and humane methods for killing orphaned joeys
- Assessing potential welfare impacts of disrupting mobs following harvesting
- Assessing feasibility and benefits of developing a quality assurance program for any person conducting kangaroo management activities (e.g. body cameras worn by shooters)
- Collecting data to determine if and how commercial harvesting reduces the number of kangaroos who suffer during drought.
Better auditing and compliance measures
Additionally, we’d like Victoria’s Plan to incorporate more rigorous auditing and compliance enforcement measures such as:
- Twice yearly auditing of all accredited shooters to ensure accuracy and humaneness of shooting;
- In-field auditing of shooters every three years to ensure accurate brain shots;
- Assessment of shots during kangaroo processing to ensure head rather than neck shots;
- Site inspections of carcasses left in the field to assess shooting accuracy;
- Field assessment to ensure orphaned joeys are treated humanely;
- Regular population audits to ensure ecological sustainability of quotas set for shooters;
- Requirements for harvesters to demonstrate understanding of the National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Commercial Purposes (the Code);
- Investigation and follow up for 100% of reports of non-compliance.
RSPCA Victoria will continue to advocate to the Victorian Government to make changes to the commercial system to increase protections for the welfare of kangaroos.
Improving transparency and confidence in agriculture
Community attitudes to animal welfare in farming are changing, and so too are expectations regarding appropriate standards. In 2019, tension between animal activists and the agriculture industry prompted the Victorian Government to hold an Inquiry into the impact of animal rights activism on agriculture. This month the Government released its response to the Inquiry recommendations and it was pleasing to see a commitment to some positive changes.
RSPCA Victoria does not support any kind of illegal activity in the pursuit of animal welfare objectives. We believe that animal welfare improvements can be achieved through productive engagement with key stakeholders and democratic processes rather than through illegal activities. We made our views clear during the Inquiry and are looking forward to seeing some good outcomes. Read our submission here.
Transparency improves animal welfare
The RSPCA encourages transparency throughout the supply chain to enable consumers to make informed choices about animal products. Transparency and communication of agricultural practices at all stages of the food production process can be an effective way of increasing consumer confidence and understanding. Therefore, RSPCA Victoria is pleased to see that the report is highlighting the need for greater transparency around farm practices to better inform the community.
Moving forward, we will work with industry groups and farmers to assist them to proactively engage with the community to address concerns about farm animal welfare and build community trust.
Independent oversight is important
RSPCA Victoria welcomes the recommendation to improve independent federal oversight of development of Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines by creating an Australian Commission for Animal Welfare. We’re concerned that the current development process has resulted in the production of inadequate standards that are not sufficiently supported by science and do not meet community expectations. The Standards and Guidelines produced to-date fail to raise the bar on animal welfare standards and simply reflect current industry practice.
Use of closed-circuit television
RSPCA Victoria welcomes the recommendation to implement closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras in Victorian abattoirs. At abattoirs, saleyards, and other commercial facilities where large numbers of animals are handled on a daily basis, there is the potential for the welfare of the animals to be at risk. Implementation of CCTV would ensure evidence that animal welfare standards are maintained and never compromised. Facility management must ensure that animal welfare is seen as a priority and that there is a zero-tolerance policy towards animal abuse. CCTV is now used in many workplaces and public spaces, and the use of CCTV in commercial animal facilities sends a strong signal to those people working with animals that animal welfare is of the highest priority and that cruelty will not be tolerated.
Modernising Victoria’s animal welfare legislation
RSPCA Victoria is looking forward to working with the Victorian Government on the modernisation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTAA) to ensure that animal welfare is better protected. As POCTAA covers all animals, this is an important piece of work that is independent of the national animal welfare standards setting process for livestock. We agree that reviewing and strengthening codes of practice for animal welfare and making them mandatory is vital for ensuring the protection of animals.
Humane treatment of all farm animals
RSPCA Victoria does not promote an end to animal use or consumption by people. Instead our philosophy is that all animals should live a good life and die a humane death. The RSPCA advocates for the humane treatment of all farm animals. We believe it is important to work with the farming community and other stakeholders to affect positive change and improve animal welfare throughout the lives of the animals.
Attitudes and expectations of ordinary Australians are evolving and if industry practices do not keep pace to meet these expectations, it will result in eroding levels of trust in animal agriculture and increasing challenges to its social licence.
You can read more about the RSPCA’s policies on agriculture here at our national Knowledgebase.