As a member of RSPCA Australia, we’re part of the country’s leading animal welfare charity. We’ve been advocating on the behalf of animals for over 150 years, and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Sharing that knowledge with our community is vitally important, as education is often the first step to better welfare and meaningful change for the lives of the animals.
We have information, FAQs and helpful articles covering all aspects of daily animal care, prevention and what to do if you need help. You can also sort by topic, view seasonal advice, and learn about general pet care. Whatever pet information you’re searching for, you’re likely to find it in our knowledgebase.

Housing for rabbits
Housing for rabbits Rabbits can live indoors or outdoors, however there are some considerations you need to make when deciding where your bunny will live. On this page you will…
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Enrichment and handling for rabbits
Enrichment and handling for rabbits We all need to run and play to keep our minds and bodies healthy and rabbits are no exception. Make sure you provide a variety of environmental…
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Rabbit companionship
Rabbit companionship Rabbits are naturally very social animals who thrive in pairs or groups. Paired rabbits are far less likely to display any abnormal behaviours like overgrooming or destructive behaviour…
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Feeding your rabbits
Rabbit health Health checks are extremely important to ensure your rabbit is healthy. Rabbits are delicate creatures and illness can progress very quickly, so contact your vet immediately if you…
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Grooming rabbits
Grooming rabbits Grooming is an important part of rabbit care. Grooming includes everything from brushing and nail-trimming to general health checks. Like cats, rabbits clean and groom themselves using their…
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Animals in hot vehicles
Animals in hot vehicles If you find a distressed dog left in a car, call 000 immediately! Just six minutes When left in a car, it can take just six…
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Dogs that suit living in apartments
Dogs that suit living in apartments Pet ownership is a valued, well-established part of the Australian way of life. While many people associate dogs with large suburban backyards, many dogs can…
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Humane treatment of animals in seafood restaurants
Humane treatment of animals in seafood restaurants It is important that live animals held for human consumption are subject to humane management, transport, handling and slaughter procedures. Adherence to good…
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Animal Hoarding
Animal Hoarding Animal hoarding is a significant animal welfare challenge. Although recognised by human and animal services, it is generally poorly understood in terms of its prevalence, causes, influencing factors…
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Why adult cats are the best!
Why adult cats are the best! Don’t get us wrong, we love kittens (they’re so teeny and cute!), but we have just as much love for their more mature counterparts…
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Buying a dog? What you need to know first
Buying a dog? What you need to know first Having a pet is such a rewarding experience - the sense of pride you feel when they first learn to sit…
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Rabbit vaccination
Rabbit vaccination All rabbits adopted from the RSPCA have been vaccinated against Calicivirus disease. This will protect it from this disease for 10 to 12 months at which time your…
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